
Back in 2004 I weighed 213. I was on a handful of medications, unhealthy and miserable.

I am on a remarkable journey of discovery and adventure.  One of wellness, education, fitness and culinary delights in the plant-based whole foods arena.  From heirloom organic gardening to learning how to repair damage done to my system with fruits and vegetables.  Increasing my strength, my knowledge, my awareness and my kindness, while reducing waste, harm to animals, impact on the earth, my heart and my waistline.  Learning day by day, educating those who want to learn and sharing what I do best with my family and the world.  I am a food coach for Engine 2 Extra, Fitness Nutrition Specialist and part of the Engine 2 Diet team.

3 thoughts on “About”

  1. Aloha! I just happened upon your blog. Sounds like you are on a very interesting journey. I am on a similar journey. It will be both fun to be inspiring to read along. Much Aloha! Emily

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Don't measure, just cook!